Give Online
Make a gift online to the Sweet Briar Fund by clicking the “Give” button in the upper-right-hand corner of our website.
Mail your check directly to the Alumnae Relations & Development Office with your full name, class year (if applicable), and the designation of your gift:
Sweet Briar College
Office of Alumnae Relations and Development
P.O. Box 1057
Sweet Briar, VA 24595
Wire Transfer
Before you make your gift by wire transfer, please notify the Alumnae Relations and Development Office of your intent by calling 434-381-6131, or by emailng Paula Eanes at with your name, address and the designation of your gift.
Appreciated Securities/Stock
Gifts of appreciated securities can provide you with an income
Before you make your gift of appreciated securities, please notify the Alumnae Relations and Development Office of your intent by calling 434-381-6131, or by emailing Paula Eanes at with your name, address, name of stock, and the designation for your gift.
IRA Charitable Rollover and Required Minimum Distributions (RMD)
If you are 70½ years old or older, you can take advantage of a simple way to benefit Sweet Briar College and receive tax benefits in return. You can give up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as ours without having to pay income taxes on the money.
This law no longer has an expiration date so you are free to make annual gifts to our organization this year and well into the future.
It is wise to consult with your tax professionals if you are contemplating a charitable gift under the extended law. Please feel free to contact Margaret McClellan Driscoll ’92 at with any questions you may have.
Planned Giving
There are many ways to leave a legacy at Sweet Briar College, including making plans for your estate. Learn more about the various ways to make your plans to maximize your tax benefits and make a lasting impact on Sweet Briar.
Matching Gifts
Many companies support Sweet Briar by matching or multiplying an employee’s gifts to the College. Often, this benefit is extended to spouses, retirees and board members as well.
Before you make a gift, check with your company’s human resources office to see if your employer participates.
Donors may give their vehicles to Car Easy at no cost to them as a tax-deductible donation, which also benefits Sweet Briar.