Willits Summer Food Systems Fellows

Since its inaugural year in 2021, the Willits Summer Food Systems Fellows program has given students the opportunity to combine hands-on experience in campus agricultural operations with opportunities to pursue diverse endeavors related to agriculture, natural resources management, and food systems, including research, community engagement, advocacy, and communications. 

2021 Willits Fellows during CSA pickup in Sweet Briar's greenhouse.

2021 Willits Fellows during CSA pickup in Sweet Briar’s greenhouse. (Credit: Lisa Powell)

The 2024 Willits Fellows in the Upper Vineyard at Sweet Briar College.

The 2024 Willits Fellows in the Upper Vineyard at Sweet Briar College.

Cynthia Plaugher '23 and Lauria McShane '23 harvest honey in the campus apiary.

Willits Summer Food Systems Fellows harvest honey in June 2022. (Credit: Lisa Powell)

2022 Willits Fellows in Sweet Briar's vineyard.

2022 Willits Fellows in Sweet Briar’s vineyard. (Credit: Lisa Powell)

2022 Willits Fellow Lauria McShane harvest basil in the greenhouse.

2022 Willits Fellow Lauria McShane harvest basil in the greenhouse. (Credit: Sweet Briar College)

The Willits Fellowship is open to students from all academic programs who have met the course prerequisites, and students are selected through a competitive application and interview process.

This program has the following goals for participants:

  1. Students gain hands-on experience in diverse activities related to production agriculture and natural resources management (including growing, marketing, distribution, communications, leadership, and stewardship)
  2. Students develop an understanding of the complexity of food systems through first-hand experience, readings, observations, and inquiry
  3. Students build capacity for sustainable and resilient community food systems on Sweet Briar’s campus and in the region
  4. Students have increased awareness of career opportunities and pathways related to agriculture and natural resources management