
Sweet Briar will celebrate the Class of 2024 at our 115th commencement on May 18, 2024.

Due to the probability of thunderstorms and rain on Friday and Saturday, Commencement has been moved to Upchurch Field House in the Fitness & Athletic Center (FAC). Please see details below.

Commencement Livestream

Wednesday, May 15

11 am
Fancy Hat Brunch

4:30 pm
Champagne Toast and Photo, Sweet Briar House
(Seniors only)


Friday, May 17

1:30 pm
Awards Ceremony for the Class of 2024, Murchison Lane Auditorium

2:30 pm
Baccalaureate Service, Mills Chapel
(Graduating students, family and friends of students)

Baccalaureate livestream

4:00 pm
Phi Beta Kappa Initiation, Cochran Library Browsing Room

4:30-6 pm
President’s Reception, Prothro Dining Hall
(Graduating students, family and friends of students)


Saturday, May 18

10-11:30 am
Commencement, Upchurch Field House in the Fitness & Athletic Center
(Graduating students, family and friends of students)

Guests may be dropped off at the FAC before parking in designated parking locations. Parking near the FAC will be available for guests with mobility limitations and identifying vehicle placards. Shuttle vans will be running between the FAC and Commencement parking locations.

11:30-1 pm
Campus Community Picnic, Prothro Dining Hall
(Graduating students, family and friends of students)

Sweet Briar College Commencement 2023 Sweet Briar College Commencement 2023