
Our main identity system has two styles: a stacked logo and a wordmark. In addition, the College has a seal and an athletic logo. All are restricted to official Sweet Briar College use. Personal publications are not permitted to display the stacked logo or logo wordmark. Student groups or alumnae may use the College’s official logos only if usage is approved before publishing. Any use of any logo of the College must follow the visual standards guide.

Stacked Logo

The stacked version is the preferred logo in all communications. It cannot be modified.

SBC Stacked Logo Pink Reversed






The stacked logo is intended as a visual identifier, not a title block, and should scale as such. In general publication usage, the stacked logo should be no larger than one-twelfth the size of the page on which it appears; the wordmark should not be more than six inches in length. Do not distort the logos by altering their aspect ratios.

Protected Area

An area that surrounds the stacked logo, equivalent to one-tenth its height, should be free of all graphics, text, headlines or other information.


The word mark should be used sparingly, only when the page size and orientation do not allow room for the stacked logo. It cannot be modified.

Other Logos

Just as for the wordmark and stacked logo, other visual identifiers of the College, including the seal and the athletic logos, are also subject to these same guidelines. They may not be modified, and they retain a protected area.