Top Hero area
Hero Image:
The hero image is in the image collection “Top Hero” in the Homepage group.
There are two images used in this feature: one for larger screen widths (image tagged desktop) and one for smaller screen widths (image tagged mobile). If multiple images are tagged, a random selection is used.
Intro Text:
The intro sentence text (“Remarkable Women, Unbreakable Bonds” above) is editable on page edit.
Featured Links:
The three links under the text are a Navigation in the homepage group. Edit here: Three Top Homepage Links
The Majors and Minors listing is drawn from the Majors and Minors section at the bottom of the Academics landing page. Changes made there reflect on the homepage as well as every academic program page.
Academic Focus
Manage the items in this slider by editing the blurbs of type “Academics Features” in the Homepage group.
By the Numbers
Header text (“By the numbers” and “Women Making History” in this screenshot) are editable areas on page edit.
Each box is a Blurb of type “By the Numbers” in the Homepage group The blurb title is the large number; the blurb body is the text underneath.
Sweet Briar Voices
Each testimonial is a Blurb of type “Sweet Briar Voices” in the Homepage group.
Sweet Briar in Pictures
Each image/caption is a Blurb of type “Sweet Briar in Pictures” in the Homepage group.
Events & News Around Campus
This area contains the top three stories which have images. To ensure an item appears here, tag it with “homepage.”
Footer Hero and Call to Action
Images are pulled from the collection “Footer Hero Images” in the Homepage group. The call to action text blocks (which are not tied directly to individual photos) are Blurbs of type “Homepage footer call to action” in the Homepage group.