Annual Taxes

Most international visitors living in the United States are required to file annual income tax returns. U.S. tax law is very complex, but you don’t have to be an expert or navigate it alone.

Pay taxes throughout the year.

You pay as you receive income, rather than paying at the end of the year. The tax year is a normal calendar year—from January 1 to December 31. In most cases, taxes are withheld from your income throughout the year. Sweet Briar College and other employers are required to take money out of your paycheck for taxes and send it to the tax collection agency. Between January and March, if employed and/or receive a Sweet Briar scholarship, you will receive a W-2, 1042S and possibly 1099 forms. Save all of these documents.

The federal tax agency is called the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). In addition, each U.S. state, including Virginia, has its own tax agency and regulations.

Your tax situation is unique.

Your tax situation depends on the amount of time you’ve spent in the United States, the visa statuses you’ve held, the type of income you receive (which includes any scholarships you receive), and your nationality. Find out if your country has a tax treaty with the United States.

The deadline for filing your tax returns this year is April 18, 2023, for both federal and Virginia State taxes.

We’re here to help.

Understanding that this process is complicated, all F-1 students are strongly encouraged to attend at least one tax preparation session held each year in March. Sweet Briar partners with Sprintax to provide a discounted rate for tax preparation services. Pre-register to attend via libcal.