Jonathan Green named as new provost at Illinois Wesleyan

Posted on March 21, 2011 by Staff Writer

Jonathan D. Green, dean of the college and vice president for academic affairs at Sweet Briar College in Sweet Briar, Va., has been named provost and dean of the faculty at Illinois Wesleyan University.

Jonathan Green
“While it is difficult to lose a cherished colleague, it is gratifying to see a distinguished career take the next step forward,” said Sweet Briar President Jo Ellen Parker. “In Jonathan Green, Illinois Wesleyan University has selected a leader whose commitment to undergraduate students and to faculty development are unquestioned and whose passion for the liberal arts is unmistakable.”

Green joined the Sweet Briar faculty in 1996 as an assistant professor of music and was promoted to full professor eight years later. Since 2004, he has served as dean of the college and vice president for academic affairs at Sweet Briar. His tenure has also included appointments as department chair and associate dean.

During his eight years leading academic affairs at Sweet Briar, Dr. Green played a key role in the College’s planning and assessment efforts and in facilitating several new program initiatives. In addition, study abroad opportunities were expanded, external support for the faculty increased, the career center and advising process were integrated, and the number of student internships grew significantly.

A board member of the Conductor’s Guild, Green is the author of several reference books for conductors, and his composition work has received Standard Composer’s Awards from the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers annually since 1996. Green has written seven symphonies, three piano concertos, as well as songs, choral works and chamber music for all conventional instruments. He has conducted for several orchestras, including serving as interim music director of the Danville Symphony Orchestra in Virginia and co-conductor of the Greensboro Symphony Youth Orchestra.

Sweet Briar wishes Jonathan and Lynn great success at Illinois Wesleyan. Later in the spring, a gathering will be planned to recognize and celebrate their contributions to Sweet Briar during these past 15 years. Read the Illinois Wesleyan release.