Thomas Walker

Director of Library Services

e: | p: 434-381-6287 |

o: Library 158

B.S., Music | Radford University

M.S.L.S, Library Science | Clarion University

Ed.D., Leadership Studies | Marshall University

Thomas Walker serves as the Director of Library Services as part of the Mary Helen Cochran Library team. Dr. Walker’s area of expertise is focused on library management and operations. As Director, he ensures that students, faculty, staff, and community members have access to a wide range of materials and collections.


Librarians in an Austerity Environment, Dissertation (2022)

The Rev. M. Homer Cummings Papers at Marshall University, Conference Presentation (2017) (w/Robert Ellison, Ph.D.)

A Primer on How to Launch an Institutional Repository Successfully, The Charleston Advisor16, 3 (2015)

Supplemental Material for A Primer on How to Launch an Institutional Repository Successfully (2015)

Marshall University Institutional Repository Proposal (2011)

Dr. Walker received his doctorate in Leadership Studies with a specialization in Higher Education Administration. His dissertation, Librarians in an Austerity Environment focuses on library budgeting and maintaining strong collections through state budget cuts to higher education. Additionally, he did secondary research on library collections and budgeting during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Walker’s passion is in Institutional Repositories (IR). While obtaining his master’s degree, a professor introduced him to the concept of the IR simply by saying, “An IR gives access to information to everyone. An IR gives the poor access to the rich and rich access to poor.” To Dr. Walker this meant that information should be freely accessible to anyone who desires it. Since that time, he has been a proponent of IRs. His secondary in Scholarly Communication goes hand in hand with that statement made by his former professor. He has served on committees for protections of author’s rights as well as copyright protection for artists, composers, and performers.

He has consulted with several institutions on the handling of selected material for IRs and assisted in the development of music collection pages for Marshall University and Boise State University. He has also served on capstone committees for students in Engineering, Music, and Education.

Dr. Walker believes in education and putting students first. He is never too busy to help a student if they are in need.