Clélie Steckel

Director of Communications, Marketing and Events

e: | p: 434-381-6299 |

o: Communications and Development Bldg, 1st Floor

B.A., English | Guilford College

M.A., English | University of Lynchburg

Clélie Steckel has been a member of the Sweet Briar College staff since 2015, though grew up as a member of the campus community as the daughter of two College employees. She currently serves as the director of communications, marketing and events and has previously held roles in the Office of Alumnae Relations & Development. Before Sweet Briar, she worked locally in Lynchburg at the Centra Foundation and Amazement Square. Clélie is a graduate of the Guilford College and the University of Lynchburg, earning bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English, respectively. Her favorite thing about Sweet Briar is getting to watch our students grow and go on to make a difference in the world.